The Taste of Italy

Italian Food at its Finest

I’ll be the first to admit that a career in Federal Law enforcement is not exactly the suggested primer for manufacturing a marinara sauce. Although, over the years I have tasted many of the store shelf offerings, I could never find one that tasted like I thought it should. That fresh tomato flavor with that “have some more” taste was blatantly missing. The fact that most of the store brands contained so much sugar in so many forms led me to believe that the tomato product that they were using was of such poor quality that it demanded the addition of waves of sweetening to make it palatable.

I started my quest for a superior product that produced that memorable flavor from my childhood. The winning tomato for our” Salsa Di Marinara Diana” was the San Marzano tomato from near Naples, Italy. This meaty plum tomato exhibits the sweetness found in no other of the offerings.

After several months of research batches, I came upon what I feel is the best tasting marinara to date. My sauce contains only fresh onions, basil, garlic, and oregano and is cooked at exactly the right temperature to protect all that exquisite tomato flavor. I grow the basil and oregano myself to assure freshness.

After perfecting the marinara, AnnMarie and I thought that we would also offer some of our favorite homemade Italian specialties. Both being of 100% Italian extraction, and both growing up in the New York region, I felt that we had the proper credentials to share some of our creations.

All of our homemade specialties are made to order, using only the best of Italian cheeses and meats.